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Sponsor Licence Suspension: Safeguarding Your Business

Has your sponsor licence been suspended? The need for swift action is paramount to avoid further disruption to your business. We specialise in helping you protect your sponsor licence. A suspended sponsor licence can have severe repercussions for your business, jeopardising your ability to sponsor migrant workers. While sponsoring overseas nationals to fill essential skills gaps can drive growth and competitiveness, it also comes with significant responsibilities. Failure to meet these responsibilities could lead to your sponsor licence being suspended, and in the worst-case scenario, revoked. This not only curtails your permission to sponsor migrant workers but also shortens the leave of existing migrant workers within your workforce. The Home Office possesses the authority to suspend a sponsor licence when it alleges that an organisation has failed to manage its licence correctly and meet its immigration compliance duties. If you’ve received formal notification from UKVI that your company’s sponsorship licence faces suspension, your next actions are critical. Depending on the specifics of your case, your options may include challenging the Home Office’s suspension decision and responding promptly within the given timeframe. Failing to respond in time could result in your licence being revoked.